Maxdome Insider-Interview
13. Oktober 2022
The 30th Filmfest is already over and it’s high time to finally introduce our new main partner maxdome in a little more detail! Like FILMFEST HAMBURG, maxdome is passionate about good films and is therefore not only the ideal partner for the Filmfest, but with its online video store a real enrichment for everyone who loves films.
In order to get to know maxdome a little better, FILMFEST HAMBURG conducted a short insider interview with managing director Hans D. Henseleit. Let’s start directly with a somewhat philosophical question: Why do you think, Mr. Henseleit, people like to watch films, flock to the cinema en masse or sit for hours in front of a screen? What is the attraction of the moving image?
»I’ll try a philosophical answer: people paint their own pictures in their heads from the stories told. The combination of the moving images, the emotions portrayed and what the viewer makes of them – that is what makes film so fascinating. Because in this way the viewers are part of the story and can become absorbed in it.«
There is a wide range of streaming services to choose from on the market. Why is the maxdome online video store the right choice?
»We are close to the people and close to the film. That is why we, as a Hamburg-based company, have decided to support the FILMFEST HAMBURG in the immediate vicinity. Our single-demand purchase and rental offer is aimed at conscious film consumption and is comparable to the purchase of a cinema ticket. It is the conscious decision to watch a certain film on the big screen or, as with maxdome, in the home cinema. All without signing up for another streaming subscription.
With the multitude of streaming services and subscription options, it’s hard to find the right offer for you these days and often the film selection takes longer than the film itself. With maxdome, we want to address film lovers more personally in the future, also give them unusual recommendations and let them discover real film secret tips with us. These can be current films, fresh from the cinema, but also film gems of which the viewer does not yet know that they have the potential to become a favourite film.«
For the 30th Filmfest birthday, maxdome has come up with something very special and put together 30 highlights from the 30 years that Filmfest fans can now watch in the online video store. Do you have a personal film tip from these 30 films celebrating 30 years of FILMFEST HAMBURG?
»As a Hamburger, I actually have to say Soul Kitchen directly, a declaration of love to my hometown. But there are so many other great films that have screened at FILMFEST HAMBURG over the last 30 years. From the last few years, I would recommend Der Rausch – with a great Mads Mikkelsen and a story that is both funny and emotionally gripping, literally pulling the viewer into the frenzy of the film. Cheers.«
Cheers, Mr. Henseleit and thank you very much for the interview. FILMFEST HAMBURG is very pleased about the successful start of this new partnership!