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The Mighty Angel

OT: Pod Mocnym Aniołem

Wojtek Smarzowski | Poland, 2013
Fiction Feature | FF2014



Jerzy is a writer at the height of his creative powers – and a heavy drinker who spends large portions of his life smashed. Just when the charismatic Bohemian thinks he’s got his addiction under control and falls in love, he goes on a bender to end all benders. He ends up first in casualty and then in a rehab clinic full of bizarre alcoholic characters. Is Jerzy’s journey of addiction now really at an end? The Mighty Angel is a film set in delirium. A shocking, yet fascinating trip through the hellish world of a drinker.




Pod Mocnym Aniołem

Fiction Feature


Eurovisuell,Michel | FF2014



100 min

OV with English subtitles

Wojtek Smarzowski

Wojtek Smarzowski

Robert Więckiewicz, Julia Kijowska, Andrzej Grabowski, Eryk Lubos, Marcin Dorociński, Adam Woronowicz

Jacek Rzehak

Tomasz Madejski

Paweł Laskowski

Mikolaj Trzaska

Jagna Janicka

Polish Film Institute

Profil Film

Olga Domzala, Polish Film Institute: olga.domzala@pisf.pl

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