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OT: Mommy

Xavier Dolan | Canada, 2014
Fiction Feature | FF2014
Film Website



Resolute Diane loves her 15-year old son Steve more than anything else, although he drives her crazy with his violent tantrums. Since the death of his father, Steve has been through a series of homes for difficult children. Then he comes back to his mother. His demands on the one hand to be the man of the house and his overpowering love on the other represent a real trial for Diane. She gets unexpected help in her efforts to come to terms with her destiny from her taciturn neighbour Kyla, who manages to create a balance in the mother-son relationship and nurture a seed of hope for a happier future. Another visually extravagant piece from Canadian Xavier Dolan.


XAVIER DOLAN (*1989) has won many awards at Cannes and Venice. In 2009, FILMFEST HAMBURG showed his film I Killed my Mother, in 2010 Heartbeats, in 2012 Laurence Anyways (Art Cinema Award), in 2014 Mommy and in 2016 It’s Only the End of the World.




Fiction Feature


Voilà! | FF2014



134 min

OV with German subtitles

Xavier Dolan

Xavier Dolan

Anne Dorval, Suzanne Clément, Antoine Olivier Pilon, Patrick Huard, Alexandre Goyette

Nancy Grant, Xavier Dolan

Andre Turpin

Xavier Dolan

Xavier Dolan

Colombe Raby

Weltkino Filmverleih GmbH

Seville International

Metafilms; Sons of Manual

Ruby Rondina, Séville International: rrondina@filmsseville.com

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