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A Fortunate Man

OT: Lykke-Per

Bille August | Denmark, 2018
Fiction Feature | FF2018
Film Website



The rise and fall of a Danish visionary: veteran director Bille August films an epic of turn-of-the-century Denmark.Denmark, around 1900. Young Per has had enough of the tedium of Jutland, his dominant father and his sternly religious family. He’s mad about industrialisation and the ideas of the Modern Age and sets out for Copenhagen to become an engineer. Parallel to his studies, he works on a revolutionary waterway project. The idea of the century or merely a pipe dream? While Per at first enjoys a certain amount of recognition for his ideas, he soon gets the impression that Denmark is no place for visionaries.


BILLE AUGUST (*1948) trained to be a photographer before studying film. His drama Pelle, the Conqueror won the Oscar for best foreign-language film in 1987 and the Golden Palm in Cannes. The House of the Spirits also won several awards in 1994.




Fiction Feature


Kaleidoscope | FF2018



162 min

OV with German subtitles

Bille August

Bille August, Anders Frithiof August, nach dem Roman von Henrik Pontoppidan

Esben Smed, Katrine Greis-Rosenthal, Benjamin Kitter, Julie Christiansen, Tommy Kenter, Tammy Øst, Rasmus Bjerg

Karin Trolle, Thomas Heinesen

Dirk Brüel

Janus Billeskov Jansen, Anne Østerud

Lorenz Dangel

Jette Lehmann


Nordisk Film

Lizette Gram Mygind, The Danish Film Institute: lizetteg@dfi.dk

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