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»Let’s talk about Inclusion!«

Overcoming barriers, changing the future – this is the motto under which filmmakers talk about the representation and handling of disability in film and on set. What is the status quo when it comes to participation for all – do we have the prerequisites for equal access to the media industry?

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Creatives from the trades of directing, screenwriting, acting and editing get talking:


  • Vespa Vasic, actress, accompanied by Wolfgang Janßen, platform Rollenfang
  • Niko von Glasow, director
    Eibe Marleen Krebs, director
  • Miriam Ihnen, screenwriter
  • Meibrit Ahrens, editor, NDR
  • Jonas Karpa, media theorist and journalist, Leidmedien.de


Moderator: Ninia LaGrande


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