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With FILMFEST HAMBURG #ATELIER22, the festival is offering a creative working and dialogue space for film students from Germany and international debut filmmakers for the first time. The exclusive screenings and subsequent moderated discussions with the filmmakers will take place over three days as part of the INDUSTRY DAYS at Studio Funk’s Mischkino. The film students will also meet a delegate of the “Semaine de la Critique” from Cannes to talk about their work and demands and the chances and difficulties of making the step from film school into the A-festival world.

For invited participants only.


Simon Rieth | DO, 6.10., 2 p.m.

Emmanuelle Nicot | FR, 7.10., 9:30 a.m.

Mikko Myllylahti | FR, 7.10., 1:30 pm

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