A woman unperturbed by a maze of accusations, suspicions and vengeance. Annabelle Martinelli (Natalia Wörner) specializes in the law governing sexual offences at a prestigious Berlin law firm. She is dealing with rape accusations against a well-known rapper, when her boss John Quante (Fritz Karl) gives her an additional case. Mike Petry (Felix Klare), managing director of a stock exchange-listed company, is accused of raping his assistant on a business trip. Annabelle is given the task of arranging a settlement to prevent a court case. This time, however, Annabelle refuses to take the assignment – the assistant is her friend Mirella Hayek (Franziska Hartmann).
Since the 1980s, LARS BECKER (*1954) has been making cinema and TV films. With his self-written series of films under the title Nightshift, he has been a regular guest at FILMFEST HAMBURG since 2003.Info
Wahrheit oder Lüge
Fiction Feature
Televisionen | FF2019
90 min
Lars Becker
Lars Becker
Natalia Wörner, Franziska Hartmann, Fritz Karl, Felix Klare, Almila Bagriacik, Lefaza Jovete Klinsmann, Thelma Buabeng, Marc Hosemann, Pegah Ferydoni, Clelia Sarto
Jutta Lieck-Klenke, Dietrich Kluge, Lydia-Maria Emrich
Ralf Noack
Sanjeev Hathiramani
Hinrich Dageför, Stefan Wulff
Sabine Pawlik
Daniel Blum (ZDF)
ZDF Enterprises
ZDF Enterprises
Network Movie Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH für ZDF
Network Movie Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH: