DOCUMENTARY One in A Million tells the story of two girls. Whitney is from the USA, a passionate gymnast and successful YouTuber, and Yara from Germany is her biggest fan. Despite being thousands of kilometres apart, the two are united by their love of gymnastics and the glittering world of social media. This coming-of-age film portrays the apparently different girls’ everyday life and how each tries to make their way, while dealing with the challenges of success and loneliness and first loves.
Age recommendation: 10 years and older
JOYA THOME (*1990) grew up in front of the camera. After studying educational and social sciences at the Humboldt University in Berlin, she made her first feature film Königin von Niendorf which was shown at FILMFEST HAMBURG in 2017.Info
One in a Million
Documentary Feature
German, English
Michel | FF2022
84 min
German overvoice
Joya Thome
Lydia Richter, Joya Thome, Philipp Wunderlich
(Protagonistinnen/Protagonists) Whitney Bjerken, Yara Storp
Katharina Bergfeld, Martin Heisler
Lydia Richter
Philipp Wunderlich (Original Sound), Felix Roggel (Sounddesign), Lasse Kröger (Mischung)
Jamin Benazzouz
Hundreds – Philipp Milner
Timo Großpietsch (NDR)
Syndicado Film Sales
Flare Film GmbH
Flare Film GmbH, Julia Richter:
WorkComing of AgeDocumentaryLonelinessFamily and RelationshipsWomenFriendshipGlobalisationAdolescenceChildhoodLGBTQIA+Love and RomanceMusicBiopicFemale DirectorsSexualitySportsFather