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Every Face Has a Name

OT: Every Face Has a Name

Magnus Gertten | Sweden, 2015
Documentary Feature | FF2015
Film Website



Documentary On 28th April 1945, several ferries carrying thousands of concentration camp survivors docked in Malmo. Film crews captured the undernourished victims’ first steps in freedom. 70 years later, some of the arrivals see the material for the very first time. Among them is Bernhard Kempler, 9 years old when he landed in Sweden, having survived the Holocaust only because he had been disguised as a girl. Or Elsie Ragusin, who had been arrested in Italy for spying and deported to Auschwitz. In almost magical moments, some of the ex-detainees recognize themselves or relatives among the survivors. Nameless faces suddenly gain an identity and a history.


MAGNUS GERTTEN (*1953) studied journalism and is co-owner of the Swedish production company Auto Images. Every Face Has a Name is his eighth documentary and won an award at the Göteborg film festival.



Every Face Has a Name

Documentary Feature

English, Polish, Swedish

Veto! | FF2015



76 min

OV with English subtitles

Magnus Gertten

Magnus Gertten

Lennart Ström, Magnus Gertten

Adam Makarenko, Caroline Troedsson

Jesper Osmund

Hans Appelqvist

Rise And Shine World Sales

Auto Images

Anja Dziersk, Rise And Shine World Sales: info@riseandshine-berlin.de

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