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Your Presence Is Imperative

OT: Erscheinen Pflicht

Helmut Dziuba // 1983
Fiction Feature // FF2014
Film Website



16-year old Elisabeth, daughter of a leading GDR functionary, grows up in sheltered surroundings. She has no social or financial worries and is taken to school every day in her Dad’s official Volga. The sudden death of her father shocks Elisabeth and gives her the feeling of being abandoned. She seeks contact with her elder brother Peter, who was critical of their father and had distanced himself from the family. Slowly, Elisabeth begins to see life and her view of her father differently. This credible portrait of young people was officially accused of being “resigned melancholy” and only just avoided being banned by the GDR censors.


Helmut Dziuba (1933-2012) made a name for himself in the GDR as a director of children's and youth films. He specialized in filming popular works of GDR children's books.


Erscheinen Pflicht

Fiction Feature


DDR Deluxe//FF2014


75 min


Helmut Dziuba

Helmut Dziuba nach einer Vorlage von Gerhard Holtz-Baumert

Vivian Hanjohr, Frank Nowak, Lissy Tempelhof, Peter Sodann, Alfred Müller, Simone von Zglinicki, Gudrun Ritter, Gert Gütschow

Helmut Bergmann

Barbara Simon

Christian Steyer

Heinz Röske

Deutsche Kinemathek

Deutsche Kinemathek, DEFA Film Library (USA)

DEFA-Studio für Spielfilme

Deutsche Kinemathek: defa-filmverleih@deutsche-kinemathek.de, DEFA Stiftung: presse@defa-stiftung.de

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