DOCU-FICTION Marianne Atzeroth-Freier once brought the »acid-barrel murderer« to justice. In a mix of archive material and re-enacted scenes, the film reconstructs the difficult investigation Atzeroth-Freier had to pursue in a male-dominated environment. In the 1990s, as one of the first women in the Hamburg Police’s homicide division, Atzeroth-Freier solved one of the most gruesome murders in German history. If anything, by chance. When approached by a mother whose daughter has disappeared, she decides to get involved. On the search for the missing person, she repeatedly comes across inconsistencies within the police’s investigation. But she keeps going – until she achieves the breakthrough.
MATTHIAS FREIER (*1969 in Hamburg) studied Philosophy and Film and has for years been successful making commercials and music videos. Marianne Atzeroth-Freier is his stepmother and he worked on this film about her for more than 20 years.Trailer
Die Unsichtbaren
Documentary Feature
Hamburger Premieren | FF2023
97 min
Matthias Freier
Matthias Freier
Protagonist·innen: Constanze Andree, Cornelia Uetrecht, Claudia Haarbrücker, Andreas Lohmeyer, Elke Lorenz u.a.
Alexander Eckert, Dietmar Güntsche, Svenja Albers, Naėmi Eckert
Kay Madsen
Stephan Konken
Marielle Pohlmann
Therese Strasser
Anja Pietruschka
OneGate Media
Rejell GmbH
Neue Bioskop
Rejell GmbH, Matthias Freier: