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The Protector

OT: Der Beschützer

Philipp Osthus | Germany, 2021
Fiction Feature | FF2021
Film Website



In this thriller full of plot twists, a young principal witness gets caught in the crosshairs of international killers. BKA bodyguard Jan Schäfer is given the job of looking after Fiona Weibel, an important witness due to give evidence at the International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea in Hamburg. The young woman’s employer is a Swiss shipping company accused of transporting chemicals declared as fertilizer to Libya, where they are used to make poison gas. Weibel’s insider knowledge is a threat to the company. For Schäfer and his colleagues, a game of cat and mouse begins, as the life of his shadowy client is in danger.


PHILIPP OSTHUS (*1975) studied at the HFBK in Hamburg and at the Hamburg Media School. He has been shooting TV series since 2009, including Käthe und Ich, Nord bei Nordwest, Doktor Ballouz.


Der Beschützer

Fiction Feature


Televisionen | FF2021



90 min


Philipp Osthus

Michael Ehnert, Oke Stielow

Tobias Oertel, Marlene Tanczik, Slavko Popadic, Sabrina Amali

Björn Vosgerau, Uwe Kolbe

Frank Küpper

Kai Nührmann

Tobias Peper

Maurus Ronner

Uwe Berthold

Carola Neutze

Deborah Congia

Carolin Haasis (ARD Degeto)

Wüste Medien GmbH im Auftrag der Degeto Film GmbH

Anja Padge, Wüste Medien GmbH: anja.padge@wuestefilm.de


ActionWorkHistorySocietyFaithWarPolitics and PowerTravellingDeath and Loss

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