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After Work

OT: After Work

Erik Gandini // Sweden, Italy, Norway, 2023
Documentary Feature // FF2023



ESSAY Furious vision of a future in which the role of work socially and individually has to be renegotiated. In an ecstatic panopticon, the film examines people on four continents who are organizing their lives in the context of a work-free existence, have to fill the freewheeling life of state-guaranteed employment or dedicate themselves to the ecstatic condition of uninterrupted activity. The film investigates what effects of the radically changing world of work due to continuing technologization can already be predicted. The various different perspectives create a fast-paced, rousing and partially absurd panorama of the relationship between human beings and their work.


ERIK GANDINI (*1967 in Bergamo) moved from Italy to Sweden at 19. Today, he is one of the country’s best-known directors, with a string of internationally recognized documentaries to his name, including Videocracy (2009) and The Swedish Theory of Love (2015).



After Work

Documentary Feature

English, Italian, Korean


Sweden, Italy, Norway


81 min

OV with English subtitles

Erik Gandini

Protagonist·innen: Yoo Ga Yeon, Yoo Deug Young, Armando Pizzoni, Josh Davis, Elizabeth S. Anderson, Pa Sinyan Gallup, Noam Chomsky

Jesper Kurlandsky

Fredrik Wenzel

Chiara Andrich

Johan Söderberg

Johan Söderberg, Christoffer Berg

Eirin Gjørv (NFI)



Propaganda Italia (Marina Marzotto, Mattia Oddone); SVT (Axel Arnö, Asta Dalman); Film i Väst (Jenny Luukkonen); Rai Cinema; Indie film (Carsten Aanonsen); VPRO(Barbara Truyen); GEO Television (Arno Becker, Simone Theilmann)

CAT&Docs, Maëlle Guenegues: maelle@catndocs.com


WorkDocumentarySocietyGlobalisationArt & EssayPolitics & Power

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