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Talent supporting schemes

an investment in the film industry’s future

Talent among creatives and producers in Europe exists and is constantly being educated. Promoting this potential is more important today than ever before. Yet can emerging directors, screenwriters and companies also unfold artistically and establish themselves sustainably in the industry?


In July 2021, the Produzentenverband e.V. published the Nachwuchsstudie, a study on the situation of up-and-coming filmmakers and their support in Germany, which identifies a wide range of needs for reform. Based on the study, the Produzentenverband is now launching an industry dialog on talent supporting under the banner Zukunft Nachwuchs.


In cooperation with Produzentenverband e.V. & EFP (European Film Promotion)


The talk will be held in English.

FREE ticket

Together with our guests, we would like to present and discuss existing talent schemes in their countries. What value is given to talent funding? How does talent development work on a national level and with which funding-goals? Which films are made? What is the significance of cinema, TV and streaming in the funding schemes? How are diversity and parity addressed? Where is the optimization potential? How can talent also be effectively supported at a European level?


Further guests are:


Mette Damgaard-Sorensen, Artistic Director New Danish Screen

Iwana Chronis, Head of Selective Funding Netherlands Film Fund

Ann Kathrin Lewerenz, MOIN Film Fund Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein
James Weddup, Head of BFI NETWORK (Interim) & Senior Manager – Operations, Partners & Projects/Film Fund/British Film Institute


Moderation Catherine Berger, DFFB Berlin


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