Existing regional funding programs and the comprehensive reform of film funding at federal level promise to make talent promotion more effective than before. The reform currently focuses primarily on the development and production of feature films. The aspect that talent films need appropriate support for their release in order to be visible and also access to the exploitation markets in order to find their audience and generate added value is being neglected. Burning questions will be discussed with young filmmakers, representatives of funding institutions and distributors: Which partners do the talents want for the exploitation of their films?
What support tools are needed to develop innovative exploitation strategies and build a long-term relationship with the audience? How do filmmakers and exploiters define the success of talent films? A look at experiences from other European countries with regard to the marketing of talent films should also enrich the discussion with new impulses.
An event organized by FILMFEST HAMBURG in cooperation with the Producers’ Association and the Kuratorium junger deutscher Film.