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Zaineb Hates the Snow

OT: Zaineb Takrahou Ethelj

Kaouther Ben Hania | Tunisia, France, Qatar, Lebanon, United Ar Emirates, 2016
Fiction Feature | FF2017



Recommended from age 11DOCUMENTARY Zaineb is growing up in Tunesia without her father. When her mother gets to know a man from Canada, they move there. Here, 9-year old Zaineb sees snow for the first time. But she rejects this new world completely, so far from her native North Africa. And so Zaineb decides to hate snow. The documentary accompanies the Tunisian girl over a period of six years and observes how she comes to terms with her new home.


KAOUTHER BEN HANIA (*1977) is a Tunisian director and Zaineb's aunt. She studied at art and film schools in Tunis und Paris. Zaineb Hates the Snow is her second documentary.



Zaineb Takrahou Ethelj

Fiction Feature

Arabic, French

Michel | FF2017

Tunisia, France, Qatar, Lebanon, United Ar Emirates


94 min

German overvoice

Kaouther Ben Hania

Kaouther Ben Hania

Zaineb Khelifi, Wided Khelifi, Wijdene Hamdi, Maher Hamdi, Haythem Khelifi

Habib Attia, Gilles Perez, Cyrille Perez

Kaouther Ben Hania

Samuel Lajus

Sarmad Abdelmajid

Autlook Filmsales GmbH

Cinétéléfilms; Thirteen Productions

Youn Li, Autlook Filmsales GmbH: youn@autlookfilms.com

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