You've Been Trumped • FILMFEST HAMBURG

You've Been Trumped

OT: You've Been Trumped

Anthony Baxter | United Kingdom, 2011
Documentary Feature | FF2012
Film Website



It was supposed to be the most impressive golf resort in the world, built on the Scottish coast near Aberdeen – US tycoon Donald Trump has ambitious plans and lots of money. But he failed to reckon with the locals. Some, like farmer Michael Forbes, are bitterly opposed to the plans and refuse to hand over their land for the planned millionaires’ playground. Environmentalists are against the levelling of unique sand dunes. Trump soon drops the pretence of the generous American uncle and begins an unprecedented dirty war of defamation and repression, also aimed with special vehemence at the director.




You've Been Trumped

Documentary Feature


Drei Farben Grün | FF2012

United Kingdom


100 min


Anthony Baxter

Richard Phinney, Anthony Baxter

Richard Phinney

Anthony Baxter

Anthony Baxter

Jonny Pilcher, Jónsi, Sigur Rós

Montrose Pictures Ltd

Montrose Pictures Ltd

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