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becoming sea

OT: virar mar / meer werden

Philipp Hartmann, Danilo Carvalho | Germany, Brazil, 2020
Hybrid | FF2020
Film Website



HYBRID With docu-fictional elements, the film creates an associative picture of water as a both physical and metaphysical basis for human existence.
While Dithmarschen gives up the fight against rising sea levels, the periods of drought in the steppes of Brazil‘s sertão become more frequent. Drama and everyday life in times of climate change: a musician resists being evacuated, a female firefighter enjoys the last summer before the flood, in Brazil a long-lost town re-emerges from a dried-up reservoir and three girlfriends go swimming, possibly for the last time. Birds are observed; the ferryman, an angel and Theodor Storm‘s Schimmelreiter are standing by.


DANILO CARVALHO (*1972 in Brazil) is a musician and has worked since 2005 as a sound engineer and film-maker. PHILIPP HARTMANN (*1972) studied Visual Communication at Hamburg‘s University for Visual Arts (HfbK) and makes both short and long films. His work includes the documentaries "Time Goes By Like a Roaring Lion" (2013) and "66 Kinos" (2016).


virar mar / meer werden


Portuguese, German

Vitrina | FF2020

Germany, Brazil


85 min

OV with German subtitles

Philipp Hartmann, Danilo Carvalho

Philipp Hartmann, Danilo Carvalho

Johannes Kirschbaum, Fernando Pimentel, Inga Richter, Larissa de Melo, Janayra Alves, Lorena Ahadzi, Jochen Picht, Angela Anzi, Astrid Adverbe, Idson Ricart, Leleda Sousa, Josafá Ferreira Duarte, Roger Ribeiro u.a.

Philipp Hartmann, Danilo Carvalho, Julia Alves, Ticiana Lima

Helena Wittmann

Danilo Carvalho

Philipp Hartmann, Herbert Schwarze

Johannes Kirschbaum, Larissa de Melo

flumenfilm; Danilo Carvalho; Tardo Filmes; Sancho Punta


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