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August Winds

OT: Ventos de Agosto

Gabriel Mascaro | Brazil, 2014
Fiction Feature | FF2014
Film Website



Shirley has moved to a little town on the coast to take care of her grandmother. She drives a tractor in a coconut plantation, listens to rock music, dreams of becoming a tattoo artist and feels more and more trapped in the narrow world of the village. Her boyfriend Jeison also works on the plantation and spends his free time snorkelling for lobsters and octopus. As every year, in August the coast is lashed by tropical storms. A meteorologist comes to the village to study the local winds. As the floodwaters rise, Shirley and Jeison make a surprising discovery that confronts them with the duality of life and death, forgetting and remembering, wind and sea.




Ventos de Agosto

Fiction Feature


Vitrina | FF2014



77 min

OV with English subtitles

Gabriel Mascaro

Gabriel Mascaro, Rachel Ellis

Dandara de Morais, Geová Manoel dos Santos, Maria Salvino dos Santos, Antônio José dos Santos, Gabriel Mascaro

Rachel Ellis

Gabriel Mascaro

Ricardo Pretti, Eduardo Serrano

Stefania Régis


Desvia Produções

Sandro Fiorin, FiGa/Br: sandro@figafilms.com

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