Up in Smoke
OT: Up in Smoke
Adam Wakeling | United Kingdom, 2011
Documentary Feature | FF2011
Film Website
This is a film about a technique that could save more carbon emissions annually than all global aviation combined. It is a film about one of the biggest contributors to tropical deforestation and global warming: slash and burn agriculture. The film follows British scientist Mike Hands, who has laboured for 25 years to perfect a revolutionary sustainable farming technique to replace slash and burn farming in equatorial rainforests. Now he “only” needs to persuade governments, agencies and, most importantly, the farmers to adopt it.
Adam Wakeling (*1973) studied art and Latinamerican politics in London and Liverpool and has worked for TV since. He now lives in Berlin. Up in Smoke is his documentary debut.Trailer
Up in Smoke
Documentary Feature
English, Spanish
Drei Farben Grün | FF2011
United Kingdom
70 min
Adam Wakeling
Adam Wakeling, Claire Ferguson
Adam Wakeling
Claire Ferguson
Ken Flanagan, Jocelyn West
Notion Pictures Ltd. | London | United Kingdom | Phone: +44 7956129085 | Email: adam@notionpictures.net