HYBRID In her semi-documentary film, director Jo Serfaty accompanies her main characters through the shimmering heat of Rio de Janeiro. Karol, Junior, Ronaldo and Caio live in the favelas in the West of Rio de Janeiro. While the clique longs for the end of term, the city is preparing for the upcoming Olympic Games. The country faces hard summer months, the temperature is rising, the heat lies heavy on the city, power cuts occur regularly. And so the clique try to find their place in society between precarious living conditions and national crises.
JO SERFATY (*1983) is a film-maker, director and producer. Her films have been shown at numerous festivals worldwide. Sun Inside is her debut feature.Trailer
Um Filme de Verão
Vitrina | FF2020
94 min
OV with English subtitles
Jo Serfaty
Jo Serfaty, Isaac Pipano, Ricardo Fogliatto
Caio Neves, Karollayne Rabech, Junior Souza, Ronaldo Lessa
Julia Motta, Jo Serfaty
Pedro Pipano
Guilherme Farkas
Cristina Amaral
Guilherme Farkas, Uirá dos Reis
Julia Motta
Juliana Araujo
Kino Rebelde
Fagulha Filmes
María Vera, Kino Rebelde: