Tainá 2 - A Aventura Continua • FILMFEST HAMBURG

Tainá 2 - A New Amazon Adventure

OT: Tainá 2 - A Aventura Continua

Mauro Lima | Brazil, 2004
Fiction Feature | FF2005



Little “Catiti”, from the Yanomami tribe, wants to be as brave and strong as Tainá, her best friend and role model. She soon gets the opportunity when the two friends discover animal traps in their beloved jungle. They decide to foil the poacher’s plans and are supported in their efforts by, among others, a Bushman who has lost his magic…



Tainá 2 - A Aventura Continua

Fiction Feature


KinderFilmfest | FF2005



79 min


Mauro Lima

Claudia Levay

Eunice Baía, Arilene Rodrigues, Vitor Morosine, Kadu Moliterno

Pedro Carlos Rovai

Uli Burtin

Diana Vasconcellos

Luiz Avellar

Virginia Limberger, Erica Lootty

Erica Lootty, Rua Paulino Fernandes, 14 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 22270-050, Brazil, Tel:+55 2125390597, Fax: +55 2125390597, e-mail: erica@tietecine.com.br

Tiete Producoes Cinematograficas Ltda., Rua Paulino Fernandes, 14, Rio de Janeiro RJ 22270-050, Brazil, Tel: +55 2125390597, Fax: +55 2125390597, e-mail: pedro@tietecine.com.br

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