Based on the experiences of her childhood, a powerful debut by the Iranian-Australian director Noora Niasari. Shayda (Zar Amir Ebrahimi, Holy Spider) lives with her husband Hossein and their 6-year old daughter Mona in Australia. Because her husband won’t accept her Western lifestyle, she flees to a women’s refuge and files for divorce. It is above all Mona who is frightened about the new situation and Shayda tries hard to keep up some sort of normalcy despite the circumstances. As the Persian New Year’s festival of Nouruz approaches, she hopes for a new beginning. But then a judge gives her husband visiting rights with Mona – and Shayda begins to worry that he could kidnap her and take her to Iran.
Kindly supported by AGENTUR REGINE SCHMITZ
NOORA NIASARI was born in Tehran and grew up in Australia. She graduated in Architecture and Film Sciences. Shayda is her debut feature film and won the prize for Best Foreign Film at the Sundance Film Festival.Trailer
Fiction Feature
English, Persian
Kaleidoscope | FF2023
117 min
OV with German subtitles
Noora Niasari
Noora Niasari
Zar Amir Ebrahimi, Selina Zahednia, Osamah Sami, Leah Purcell, Jillian Nguyen, Mojean Aria, Rina Mousavi
Vincent Sheehan, Noora Niasari
Sherwin Akbarzadeh
Livia Ruzic
Elika Rezaee
Josephine Wagstaff
Zohie Castellano
Anousha Zarkesh
HanWay Films
Origma 45
Dirty Films / Cate Blanchet
HanWay Films, Tejinder Jouhal:
LonelinessFamily and RelationshipsWomenSocietyIslamic CultureChildhoodHuman RightsMigration and OriginsMotherFemale Directors