OT: Ramata
Léandre-Alain Baker | Senegal, 2009
Fiction Feature | FF2009
The beautiful Ramata (the late top model Katoucha Niane) is in her early fifties, was married to the former minister of justice, living in the elegant quarter of Dakar. The charming petty thief Ngor Ndong is 25. When Ramata gets into the taxi he happens to be driving that night, her life undergoes a radical change. She decides to have him drive her to the red-light district Copacabana and discovers a young and wild love, standing symbol for African women no longer willing to give in to tradition at all costs.
Léandre-Alain Baker, born in 1960 in Central Africa, Congolese citizen, lives in Paris. Actor, writer and director. After writing novels, making documentaries and short films, "Ramata" marks his feature film debut.Info
Fiction Feature
Voilà! | FF2009
90 min
Léandre-Alain Baker
Miguel Machalski, Abasse Ndione, Léandre-Alain Baker
Katoucha, Viktor Lazlo, Ibrahima Mbaye, Ismaël Cissé
Moctar Ndiouga Bâ
François Kuhnel
Didier Ranz
Wasis Diop
Moustapha Ndiaye Picasso
Médiatik Communication S.A., 22 rue Dr Guillet, BP 6584 Dakar Etolie, Senegal, Tel: +221 33 860 37 52, Fax: +221 33 822 76 79, email: mediatik94@hotmail.com