In this oddball romantic comedy, love and some oh so beloved relatives keep a bourgeois policeman busy. In a sleepy village in the forests of the Vosges, policeman Pierre Perdrix has a routine existence. The toughest task he faces is keeping his slightly odd family under control: after the death of his father, his mother is enjoying a flourishing sex life and his brother consolidating his status as an expert on earthworms, which leaves his ping-pong obsessed daughter cold. But when eccentric Juliette’s car is stolen by a group of radical nudists, family life is turned upside down.
ERWAN LE DUC (*1977) works as a sports journalist for Le Monde and has already made a name for himself with short films. The Bare Necessity is his debut feature film.Trailer
Fiction Feature
Voilà! | FF2019
100 min
OV with English subtitles
Erwan Le Duc
Erwan Le Duc
Swann Arlaud, Maud Wyler, Fanny Ardant, Nicolas Maury, Patience Munchenbach, Alexandre Steiger
Stéphanie Bermann, Alexis Dulguerian
Alexis Kavyrchine
Julie Dupré
Julie Roué
Astrid Tonnellier
Domino Films
Joris Boyer, Playtime: