DOCUMENTARY A journey into the magical world of the Carpathian Mountains. Hamburg director Bernd Schoch on the trail of mushrooms pickers who work and live for months at a time along the Transalpina motorway. Lines of men and women roam through the undergrowth, their eyes to the ground: mushroom-pickers in Romania, seasonal workers searching for local treasure. The film accompanies them in the woods, on car journeys or in the camps they inhabit during the season. Similar to the structure of a mushroom, the story keeps branching out, revealing an informal economy – the mushroom trade, an improvised shoeshop in a forest clearing, gambling with colleagues.
BERND SCHOCH (*1971) won several awards for his film Aber das Wort Hund bellt ja nicht [But the Word Dog Doesn’t Bark] (2011). In 2014, FILMFEST HAMBURG showed his portrait of a pub Kurze Ecke. Since 2019, he has taught Documentary Film at the Hamburg University of the Fine Arts.Trailer
Documentary Feature
Hamburger Premieren | FF2019
154 min
OV with German subtitles
Bernd Schoch
Bernd Schoch, André Siegers
Ileana Mănicea, Valentin Constantin Mănicea, Dobrin Mărunțelu, Ionuț Munteanu, Marian Mărunțelu, Marius Siminel Mărunțelu, Mihaela Mărunțelu, Victor Pavalescu, Ovidiu Pavalescu, Sorin Tănase, Nicolae Căpațâna
Karsten Krause, Frank Scheuffele
Simon Quack
Bernd Schoch, André Siegers
Pete Kember / Sonic Boom, Thomas Weber/ Kammerflimmer Kollektief
Frank Scheuffele, Fünferfilm: