Genre cinema, enigmatic and sophisticated: Bertrand Bonello’s film is an impressive, aesthetically fascinating terrorism thriller. One morning in Paris. A handful of youths from different social classes roam the city. They dance a strange ballet through the maze of the Metro and the streets of the capital. As different as they all are, the more they seem to be following a common plan. Their facial and body movements are almost dangerous in their precision. And they’re all heading for one spot: a department store, just before closing time. Soon afterwards, Paris is blown sky-high. The attack runs its course.
BERTRAND BONELLO (*1968 in Nizza) ist eine zentrale Figur des zeitgenössischen französischen Kinos. 2001 erregte er mit seinem Spielfilmdebüt Der Pornograph internationale Aufmerksamkeit. Sein Biopic Saint Laurent (2014) wurde mehrfach ausgezeichnet. FILMFEST HAMBURG zeigte 2019 seinen Film Zombie Child.Trailer
Fiction Feature
Voilà! | FF2023
France, Germany, Belgium
130 min
OV with German subtitles
Bertrand Bonello
Bertrand Bonello
Finnegan Oldfield, Vincent Rottiers, Hamza Meziani, Manal Issa, Martin Guyot, Jamil McCraven, Rabah Nait Oufella, Laure Valentinelli, Ilias Le Doré, Robin Goldbronn, Luis Rego, Hermine Karagheuz
Edouard Weil, Alice Girard
Léo Hinstin
Nicolas Cantin, Nicolas Moreau, Andreas Hildebrandt, Jean-Pierre Laforce
Fabrice Rouaud
Bertrand Bonello
Katia Wyszkop
Sonia Philouze
Christel Baras
Real Fiction Filmverleih
Wild Bunch International
Rectangle Productions; Pandora Film Produktion; Scope Pictures
Wild Bunch; Arte France Cinema; Arte Deutschlannd/ WDR; My New Picture / Christoph Friedel, Claudia Steffen, Genevieve Lemal, Bertrand Bonello
Canal +, Ciné +, Arte France und Arte Deutschland/ WDR