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Just don't think I'll scream

OT: Ne croyez surtout pas que je hurle

Frank Beauvais | France, 2019
Documentary Feature | FF2020



Loneliness at the end of a relationship. Withdrawal into the smallest space. 400 films accompanied by depression, drug consumption, mid-life crisis. The attempt to carry on, to not stand still, to find a purpose. Frank Beauvais weaves a text/picture constellation linking his thoughts – about himself, France, country and city, the state of the world – with flashes, fragments from these films. »Like an addict who decides not to stop, but to observe and comment on his addiction«, as Beauvais once described it. Besides the digging-in, the cinephile practice becomes visible on the outside as a movement, capable of discovering the state of the world in all the privately consumed pictures. The mania is too much, too excessive, scarcely processable on the one hand, but also a form which corresponds to the world and renders it visible on the other: in gestures, metaphors, conscious and unconscious pictures, still highly charged however deep one buries oneself.https://dokfilmwoche.com/de/project/just-dont-think-ill-scream/



Ne croyez surtout pas que je hurle

Documentary Feature


Dokumentarfilmwoche | FF2020



75 min

OV with English subtitles

Frank Beauvais

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