Nägel mit Köppen • FILMFEST HAMBURG

Nägel mit Köppen

OT: Nägel mit Köppen

Walter Weber // Germany, 2011
TV Series // FF2012



Hans-Uwe Petersen (Peter Heinrich Brix) has the chance of becoming pastor of the dioceses of Toestrup and Norderup. There is. however, one condition: he has to marry his partner of many years Petra (Ulrike Kriener). The woman from the Ruhr district finds the idea stupid – she neither believes in God, nor can she see herself as a future vicar’s wife. But Hans-Uwe loves Petra and tries to persuade her.Just as she is finally ready to give in, her past catches up with her. Comedy set in the flat land of Northern Germany, with lovable characters and regional charm.


Walter Weber (*1949) was born in Switzerland and is a freelance director and actor. His work includes Girl Friends, Mein Leben und ich, Ein starkes Team, Tatort and Bella Block.


Nägel mit Köppen

TV Series





90 min


Walter Weber

Georg Weber

Ulrike Kriener, Peter Heinrich Brix, Gerburg Jahnke, Jan-Peter Heyne, Elena Uhlig

Jutta Lieck-Klenke

Felix Cramer

Angelika Sengbusch

Stefan Wulff, Hinrich Dageför

Klaus R. Weinrich

Daniel Blum (ZDF)

Network Movie Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH

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