ANIMATION Céline Sciamma wrote the screenplay for this magical stop-motion film, which gained an Oscar nomination and numerous prizes. After the sudden death of his mother, 9-year old Icare, known as Zucchini, is taken into care. Life there isn’t easy, because cheeky Simon, worried Béatrice, shy Alice, dishevelled Jujube and dreamy Ahmed have also seen a lot of life. But they pull themselves together and give each other support. One day, they are joined by Camille and Zucchini falls in love (a bit) for the first time. When Camille‘s mean aunt wants the girl to move in with her, Zucchini and his friends do everything they can to prevent it.
CLAUDE BARRAS (*1973) studied illustration and computer graphics at the École Emile Cohl in Lyon. My Life as a Courgette was his first full-length film and won among other things the European Film Prize in 2016. The story is based on Autobiographie d’une Courgette by Gilles Paris.Trailer
Ma vie de Courgette
Voilà! | FF2019
Switzerland, France
64 min
OV with German subtitles
Claude Barras
Céline Sciamma
Eric Beckman, Marc Bonny, Armelle Glorennec, Pauline Gygax, David Jesteadt, Max Karli, Kate Merkt, Michel Merkt, Stephanie Sheh, Michael Sinterniklaas
David Toutevoix
Valentin Rotelli
Sophie Hunger
polyband Medien GmbH / 24 Bilder Film GmbH
Rita Productions; Blue Spirit Animation; Gébéka Films; KNM