After 15 years of marriage, Luise and her Algerian husband Mohamed decide to leave Germany andmove to Mohamed’s home country with their three children. What is everyday lifein Algierslike? How will things work out at school for the eldest daughter Sainab? Whathopes and problems come with their new surroundings? The second part of along-term documentary trilogy, whose first section Luise – Eine deutsche Muslima (2007won an Adolf Grimme Prize.
Beatrix Schwehm (*1958) born in the Allgäu, lives in Bremen and since 1992 has been makingprize-winning documentaries, including DieKinder von Bolldogsbank (1999), Luise-Eine deutsche Muslima (2007) and ErleseneWelten – Hungry Minds (2012)Info
Luise & Mohamed Aufbruch nach Algier
Documentary Feature
Arabic, German
16:9 | FF2016
Algeria, Germany
60 min
OV with German subtitles
Beatrix Schwehm
Beatrix Schwehm
Bernd Meiners
Magdolna Rokob
Ulrike Dotzer
Beatrix Schwehm Film
Sophie Danner, letterbox: