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La Belle Époque

OT: La Belle Époque

Nicolas Bedos | France, 2019
Fiction Feature | FF2019
Film Website



Full of esprit, charm and truth, this French comedy plays with the question as to whether everything really was better in the old days. For Victor (Daniel Auteuil) the years of success as an cartoonist are over. And his wife Marianne (Fanny Ardant) has also decided that he should now only be part of her past. So an offer from an event agency is a godsend for Victor, fast approaching 70: they allow customers to enjoy the epoch of their choice – with the aid of expensive sets and film casts. Victor plumps for the year 1974 and the day he met his wife. The combination of neon lights, flared trousers and loads of cigarette smoke become for Victor a kind of elixir of life, at whose centre the enchanting actress Margot (Doria Tillier) blurs the borders between then and now.


NICOLAS BEDOS (*1980) is the son of legendary humorist Guy Bedos and started out as a columnist, stage director and actor. In 2017, he directed his debut feature, the comedy Mr & Mrs Adelman, in which he also starred alongside his girlfriend Doria Tillier.



La Belle Époque

Fiction Feature


Voilà! | FF2019



115 min

OV with German subtitles

Nicolas Bedos

Nicolas Bedos

Daniel Auteuil, Guillaume Canet, Doria Tillier, Fanny Ardant

François Kraus, Denis Pineau-Valencienne

Nicolas Bolduc

Anny Danché, Florent Vassault

Anne-Sophie Versnaeyen

Stéphane Rozenbaum

Constantin Film Verleih

Pathé / Orange Studio

Les Films du Kiosque

Janine Barth, Constantin Film Verleih: janine.barth@constantin-film.de

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