L'Exercice de l'État • FILMFEST HAMBURG

The Minister

OT: L'Exercice de l'État

Pierre Schoeller | France, 2011
Fiction Feature | FF2011



The Minister for Transport, Bertrand Saint-Jean, is woken in the middle of the night by his personal private secretary. A bus has crashed into a ravine. He goes there, he has no choice. Thus begins the odyssey of a State official through an increasingly complex and hostile world. Speed, power struggles, chaos, economic crisis… In the frantic chain of events, one emergency replaces another. What sacrifices are men ready to accept? How long will they last in a state that devours those who serve it?


Pierre Schoeller, (*1961) works as a director and screenwriter His film Versailles (FILMFEST HAMBURG 008) was awarded the Etoile d'Or for Best Debut by the French film critics.



L'Exercice de l'État

Fiction Feature


Voilà! | FF2011



112 min


Pierre Schoeller

Pierre Schoeller

Olivier Gourmet, Michel Blanc, Zabou Breitman, Laurent Stocker, Sylvain Deblé

Denis Freyd, Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Luc Dardenne

Julien Hirsch

Laurence Briaud

Philippe Schoeller

Jean Marc Tran Tan Ba

Doc & Film International | 13, rue Portefoin | 75003 Paris | France | Phone: +33 1 42 77 89 65 | Email: d.elstner@docandfilm.com

Archipel 35; Les Films du Fleuve; France 3 Cinéma; RTBF (Belgium TV); Belgacom

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