Kurz und Schmerzlos • FILMFEST HAMBURG

Kurz und Schmerzlos

OT: Kurz und Schmerzlos

Fatih Akin | Germany, 1998
Fiction Feature | FF2010



Hamburg, Germany. The small crime scene. Three friends: Gabriel from Turkey and just out of prison, Costa from Greece and together with Gabriel’s sister, Bobby from Serbia and together with her best friend. Bobby wants to get more into organizied crime and decides to apply for membership in an albanian gang. As a test, he has to beat up someone who owes his future boss. He can join. Later, when Bobby has to arrange a weapon’s deal on his own, he tries to get his friends in.


FATIH AKIN (*1973 in Hamburg) is one of Germany’s most successful and internationally recognized directors. His fourth film "Gegen die Wand" won the Golden Bear in 2004, along with the German and European Film Prizes. "Auf der anderen Seite" ran in competition at Cannes in 2005 and won the award for best screenplay. FILMFEST HAMBURG has shown several of Akin’s films, including "Soul Kitchen" (2009) and "The Cut" (2014) and in 2014 awarded him the Douglas Sirk Prize.


Kurz und Schmerzlos

Fiction Feature


Rolle Rückwärts FFHSH | FF2010



100 min


Fatih Akin

Fatih Akin

Mehmet Kurtulus, Aleksandar Jovanovic, Adam Bousdoukus

Stefan Schubert, Ralf Schwingel

Frank Barbian

Andrew Bird

Ulrich Kodjo Wendt

Wüste Film & Medien | Phone: +49 40 431 70 60 | Email: wueste@wuestefilm.de | www.wuestefilm.de; ZDF

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