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King of the Belgians

OT: King of the Belgians

Peter Brosens, Jessica Woodworth | Belgium, Netherlands, Bulgaria, 2016
Fiction Feature | FF2016
Film Website



King Nicolas III of Belgium (Peter van den Begin) is pale and uncharismatic and on a state visit to Istanbul when the Walloon part of his country declares independence. The monarch has to return home immediately to save his kingdom. But the eruption of a volcano in Iceland paralyzes all air traffic and communications. No plane, no phone. With the help of a British film-maker and a Bulgarian folk dance group, Nicolas III tries to get home incognito via the land route. An odyssey through the Balkans begins in which the king not only discovers the real world, but also himself. King of the Belgians is an absurd road trip about a sleeping crowned head who awakens and a clever parable about unity and the collapse of Europe.




King of the Belgians

Fiction Feature

Bulgarian, Dutch, English, French

Kaleidoscope | FF2016

Belgium, Netherlands, Bulgaria


94 min

OV with English subtitles

Peter Brosens, Jessica Woodworth

Peter Brosens, Jessica Woodworth

Peter van den Begin, Lucie Debay, Titus de Voogdt, Bruno Georis, Pieter van der Houwen, Nina Nikolina

Peter Brosens, Jessica Woodworth

Ton Peters

David Verdurme

Sabina Christova

Be For Films

Bo Films

Pamela Leu, Be for films: pamela@beforfilms.com

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