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Havana Curveball

OT: Havana Curveball

Marcia Jarmel, Ken Schneider | USA, 2014
Documentary Feature | FF2014
Film Website



Documentary 13-year old Mica is a typical US teenager, crazy about baseball. And about to have his bar mitzvah. His rabbi advises him to do good for other people. He learns that his grandfather spent some time in Cuba when fleeing from the Nazis. To say thank you for his granddad’s deliverance, the boy wants to send baseball equipment to Cuba. But he keeps falling foul of the US authorities. Mica realizes that it often takes an awful lot of willpower to realize one’s dreams. Directors Marcia Jarmel and Ken Schneider accompany their son as he grows up and portray his view of world events.



Havana Curveball

Documentary Feature


Michel | FF2014



55 min


Marcia Jarmel, Ken Schneider

Laurie Coyle

Marcia Jarmel, Ken Schneider

Roberto Chile, Andy Black, Vicente Franco

Ken Schneider, Bill Weber

Will Storkson

PatchWork Films

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