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Life According to Agfa

OT: Ha-Chayim Al-Pi Agfa

Assi Dayan | Israel, 1992
Fiction Feature | FF2015
Film Website



One night in a little bar in Tel Aviv. At the same time a refuge for Israeli soldiers, bohemians, supporters of the intifada and Zionists. Tonight, Leora, the owner, is taking photos of her guests. On monochrome Agfa film. At first, the various different resentments, ideologies and creeds remain under wraps. The closer dawn approaches, however, the more tense the atmosphere gets. When the drunken officer Nimi sexually harasses the mentally frail Ricky, the guests’ tolerance turns to hatred. Life According to Agfa uses the microcosm of the bar to show a both apocalyptic and sharply-drawn portrait of Israeli society after the first intifada. “A powerful journey to the end of the night, a masterpiece.” (Blickpunkt Film)


Assi Dayan (*1945; †2014) was the youngest son of the former Israeli defence minister Moshe Dayan. He won all the important film prizes in Israel, including eight Ophirs, the country's most prestigious award. Life According to Agfa was shown at the 1993 Berlinale.


Ha-Chayim Al-Pi Agfa

Fiction Feature


Israel Deluxe | FF2015



102 min

OV with German subtitles

Assi Dayan

Assi Dayan

Gila Almagor, Shuli Rand, Irit Frank, Avital Dicker, Smadar Kilchinsky

Uri Sabag, Yoram Kislev, Rafi Bukai, Assaf Amir

Yoav Kosh

Zohar M. Sela

Naftali Alter, Danny Litani

Ya'ackov Turgerman

Israeli Films

Dana Goren, IsraeliFilms: israelifilms@gmail.com

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