Where were you when I needed you? A hiking movie about two friends who have grown apart. The sun is high in the heavens, the landscape spectacular and there’s more than enough to talk about: Ella and Nell’s hiking tour through the countryside known as “Saxon Switzerland” starts well enough. The two fortyish friends haven’t seen each other for ages and are glad of the chance to catch up. The longer the trek lasts, however, the more obvious becomes the gulf separating them. At first, they just quarrel about trivial things – until finally the decisive subject is broached: what was Ella doing while Nell was put into psychiatric care?
ALINE CHUKWUEDO studied at the German Academy of Film and TV in Berlin (DFFB). Her short films have been shown at numerous festivals. Ella and Nell is her debut feature.Trailer
Ella und Nell
Fiction Feature
Große Freiheit | FF2018
79 min
OV with English subtitles
Aline Chukwuedo
Sabina Gröner, Aline Chukwuedo
Stephanie Petrowitz, Kirsten Schlüter, Christian Schäfer
Ibrahim-Utku Erdogan, Ko-Produzenten: Kordula Marisa Hildebrandt, Marco Nieschka
Sebastian Lempe
Ben Laser, Sebastian Lempe
Tabea Nolte
Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB) in Ko-Produktion mit Chokofilm und Hildebrandt Film GmbH
Josephine Settmacher, Deutsche Film- & Fernsehakademie Berlin (dffb):