Die Pamir - Untergang eines Großseglers
OT: Die Pamir - Untergang eines Großseglers
Karsten Wohlrab | Germany, 2006
Documentary Feature | FF2006
An intensively felt documentary accompanies the feature film account of the sinking of the German training ship Pamir which cost many lives. The visual look is new: a sleek mix of black and white images from the 30s and 50s, computer animation, new footage. The topic is as old as the seafaring tradition: the survivor’s guilt of those who made it and the trauma they will never be able to rid.
Die Pamir - Untergang eines Großseglers
Documentary Feature
Filmszene Hamburg | FF2006
45 min
Karsten Wohlrab
Karsten Wohlrab, Andreas Vennewald
Jens Stabenow
Martin Kobold
Tobias Steinigeweg
Thomas Bauer
Allcom Film + AV GmbH, Jenfelder Allee 80, 22039 Hamburg, Germany, Tel: +49 40 66 88 53 00Fax: +49 40 66 88 53 44, e-mail: info@allcom.de