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The Color of Air

OT: Die Farbe der Luft

Oliver Moser | Germany, 2024
Fiction Feature | FF2024



In this densely told ensemble piece, three siblings are confronted with their family’s tragic past. The three meet again on a summer’s day to clear out their family home before putting it on the market. While they sort through the things, one sister comes across a mysterious photo of a young man, whose memory still haunts her today. It seems to have been taken outside the house on the day of his fatal accident. As she can’t remember taking the picture, she starts researching and at some point she is sure that the photographer was someone else. Layer by layer, she uncovers a past that contains a bitter truth.


OLIVER MOSER (*1987 in Bergisch Gladbach) first came into contact with film-making when studying Art at the HfbK Braunschweig. He then studied Direction at the German Film and TV Academy Berlin, where he made several short films. Die Farbe der Luft is his debut feature.



Die Farbe der Luft

Fiction Feature


Große Freiheit | FF2024



88 min

OV with English subtitles

Oliver Moser

Linda König, Oliver Moser

Paul Boche, Bea Brocks, Odine Johne, Hannah Schutsch

Linda König, Oliver Moser

Malte Siepen

Nils Gradlowsky, Alex Leser

Isabella Kohl, Oliver Moser, Jost Hering

Matthias Petsche

Alina Perschall

Muriel Cuissard


Rausch Film, Jost Hering Filme


ParentsMemoriesFamily and RelationshipsDeath and Loss

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