Die Diebin und der General • FILMFEST HAMBURG

Die Diebin und der General

OT: Die Diebin und der General

Miguel Alexandre | Germany, 2004
Fiction Feature | FF2005



Jessie is an unemployed single-parent who has been ordered 100 hours of community service for shoplifting. Whilst on duty at an old-peoples-home, she meets the grumpy old “General”, and the two of them develop an unlikely friendship. Miguel Alexandre’s socio-critical comedy is both realistic and emotive.


Miguel Alexandre, born in Faro/Portugal, director, producer, author. His early short film "About War" (1993) brought him an Oscar nomination, his movie "Gran Paradiso" brought him fame. His TV movies include "Die Patin" (2008), "Die Frau vom Checkpoint Charlie" (2007) and "Grüße aus Kaschmir" (2004), for which he won the Adolf Grimme Preis.


Die Diebin und der General

Fiction Feature


16:9 | FF2005



90 min


Miguel Alexandre

Martin Rauhaus

Katja Riemann, Jürgen Hentsch, Heio von Stetten, Mischa Knobloch

Doris Zander, Jacqueline Tillmann

Peter Indergand

Marcel Peragine

Dominic Roth

Andreas Lupp

Degeto Film GmbH, Redaktion: Stefan Kruppa

Degeto Film GmbH, Am Steinernen Stock 1, 60320 Frankfurt, Tel: +49 69 1509 349, Fax: +49 69 1509 333, degeto@degeto.de

Studio Hamburg Produktion GmbH, Jenfelder Allee 80, 22039 Hamburg, Tel: +49 40 6688 4280, Fax: +49 40 6688 5428, jtillmann@studio-hamburg.de

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