Der Schatz der weißen Falken • FILMFEST HAMBURG

The Treasure of the White Falcons

OT: Der Schatz der weißen Falken

Christian Zübert | Germany, 2005
Fiction Feature | FF2005



Jan, Basti und Stevies’ summer holiday is marred by the news that Jan is moving to the city in two weeks time. The friends decide to examine the mysteriously barricaded “Kattervilla” and find a treasure map deposited by a gang called the “Weiße Falken” (White Eagles) in the 1970s. The gang’s leader has not been seen for ten years and suddenly the three friends find themselves involved in a deadly adventure…


With his debut film Lammbock in 2001 Christian Zübert (*1973) caused a furore. His children's film Der Schatz der weißen Falken [The Treasure of the White Falcons] won the Michel audience award at FILMFEST HAMBURG 005. The tragi-comedy _Dreiviertelmond_ [Three-Quarter Moon] was premiered in Hamburg in 2011.


Der Schatz der weißen Falken

Fiction Feature


KinderFilmfest | FF2005



92 min


Christian Zübert

Christian Zübert

David Bode, Kevin Köppe, Tamino Turgay zum Felde, Victoria Scherer

Tom Spieß, Sönke Wortmann

Jules van den Steenhoven

Ueli Christen

Marcel Barsotti

Uli Hanisch

Falcom Media Group,

SevenOne International, Medienallee 7, 85774 Unterfoehring, Germany, Tel: +49 89 95 07 23 20, Fax: +49 89 95 07 23 21, e-mail:

Little Shark Entertainment GmbH, Eifelstr. 19, 50677 Cologne, Germany, Tel. +49 221 33611-0, Fax: +49 221 3361112, e-mail:

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