To mark the 20th anniversary of Bella Block, FILMFEST HAMBURG is showing the very first episode broadcast on 26th March 1994, which hasn’t aged in the slightest, in fact it’s matured – into a classic.
Max Färberböck, born in 1950, author, director and producer of several TV movies, directed the cinema films “Aimeé & Jaguar” (1998), “September” (2003) and “Anonyma – Eine Frau in Berlin” (2008). His TV movie “Jenseits” and his “Bella Block” episodes have brought him many important awards, including the Adolf Grimme Preis.Info
Bella Block: Die Kommissarin
Fiction Feature
16:9 | FF2014
104 min
Max Faerberboeck
Max Färberböck, Walter Weber basierend auf einer Vorlage von Doris Gercke
Hannelore Hoger, Peer Jäger, Dieter Montag, Johanna Schall, Lisa Karlström, Ortrud Beginnen, Peter Lohmeyer, Ralph Richter, Werner Rehm
Dr. Holger Schultz, Katharina M. Trebitsch
Kay Gauditz
Barbara Hennings
Uwe Buschkötter, Hans-G. Wagener
Andree Schmidt, Jürgen Schnell, Nadja Würzner, Astrid Möldner
Reinhold Elschot, Werner Swossil
ZDF Enterprises
Arbor TV Filmproduktion