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Ice Mother

OT: Bába z ledu

Bohdan Sláma | Czech Republic, 2017
Fiction Feature | FF2017
Film Website



Since Hana was widowed, she has lived alone in her big house on the edge of town. The days pass meaninglessly and her sons’ weekly visits are the only ray of hope in her sad life as a pensioner – even though every meeting ends in a quarrel. Hana’s life changes drastically, however, one cold winter’s day when she saves ice swimmer Ivanek from drowning. Romance blossoms and a close relationship develops between the two pensioners and Hana discovers a new passion: ice swimming. Ice Mother is a heart-warming tragi-comedy about the pitfalls of growing old and at the same time the realisation that it’s never too late to reset your compass.


BOHDAN SLÁMA (*1967) first studied mechanical engineering and then film direction at the FAMU in Prague. His debut feature The Wild Bees (2001) won several prizes at international festivals. Sláma is seen as one of the Czech Republic's most significant directors.



Bába z ledu

Fiction Feature


Kaleidoscope | FF2017

Czech Republic


105 min

OV with English subtitles

Bohdan Sláma

Bohdan Sláma

Zuzana Kronerová, Pavel Nový, Daniel Vízek, Václav Neužil, Tatiana Vilhelmová, Marek Daniel, Petra Špalková, Alena Mihulová, Marie Ludvíková, Luboš Veselý

Pavel Strnad, Petr Oukropec

Diviš Marek

Jan Daňhel

Jan Vlasák

The Match Factory GmbH

Negativ; Artileria; Why Not Productions

Sergi Steegmann, The Match Factory GmbH: sergi.steegmann@matchfactory.de

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