Family reunion on neutral ground: in a furious melodrama, Yang Lian reworks his own experience of forced placelessness in exile as a politically unpopular artist. Yang Shu lives in exile in Hongkong. The director cannot return home to China after her last film, which was critical of the government, without putting herself in danger. When she is invited to a festival in Taiwan, she has the first opportunity for years to see her mother, who is there as a tourist. Under cover of a sightseeing tour, the pair try and get close again, but discover that more has been lost than just Shu’s freedom to travel.
YiNG LIANG (*1977) studied film direction in Chongquing. His film When Night Falls got him in trouble with the authorities in 2012 and he had to leave China. Today he lives in Hongkong.Trailer
A Family Tour
Fiction Feature
Mandarin, Taiwanese, Cantonese
Veto! | FF2018
Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia
107 min
OV with English subtitles
Liang Ying
Ying Liang, Chan Wai, 3 3
Nai An, Gong Zhe, Teo Pete, Tham Xin Yue
Jeremy Chua, Tseng Wen Chen, C. Melanopterus
Ryuji Otsuka
Liu Xue Xing
Golden Scene Company Limited
Taiwan Public Television Service, 90 Minutes Film Studio, Potocol, Shine Pictures
Felix Tsang, Golden Scene Co. Ltd.: