57000 km entre nous • FILMFEST HAMBURG

57000 km Between Us

OT: 57000 km entre nous

Delphine Kreuter | France, 2007
Fiction Feature | FF2008
Film Website



14-year-old Nat lives with her mother, her mother’s new husband, her sisters – and the Internet. Her stepfather permanently totes a video-camera and her mother’s greatest concern is the number of clicks on the family website. A webcam is Nat’s lifeline. She communicates with her biological father, a sick friend and a stranger (Mathieu Almaric) who is into nappies and baby bottles. Photographer Delphine Kreuter’s cinema debut is a modern allegory of a world dominated by the communications media.



57000 km entre nous

Fiction Feature


Voilà! | FF2008



82 min


Delphine Kreuter

Delphine Kreuter

Florence Thomassin, Pascal Bongard, Marie Burgun, Mathieu Amalric

Delphine Kreuter

Delphine Kreuter

Valentine Borlant, François Gedigier, Delphine Kreuter

Fabrice Lorrain

Les Films du Poisson, 54 rue René Boulanger, 75010 Paris, France, Tel: +33 1 42 02 54 80, Fax: +33 1 42 02 54 72, email: contact(at)filmsdupoisson.com, www.filmsdupoisson.com

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